Monday, August 31, 2009
Obama jokes because of easy Murdered Black
AP PHOTO / Richmond TIMES U.S. President Barack Obama off the plane Air Force One in Newport News, Virginia, Thursday, February 5, 2009. Tuesday, September 1, 2009 | 10:44 pm - Canadian Broadcasting Institute says, the French-language television broke the rules and have to apologize for running joke that is called U.S. President Barack Obama easily killed because black
Lelucon Obama Mudah Dibunuh karena Hitam
AP PHOTO/RICHMOND TIMES Presiden AS Barack Obama turun dari pesawat Air Force One di Newport News, Virginia, Kamis, 5 Februari 2009. Selasa, 1 September 2009 | 10:44 WIB TORONTO, — Lembaga penyiaran Kanada menyatakan, televisi berbahasa Perancis melanggar aturan dan harus minta maaf karena menayangkan
gambar gambar lucu
Spoiler for gambar1: Spoiler for gambar2: Spoiler for gambar3: Spoiler for gambar4: Spoiler for gambar5:
Ancient city of Chachapoyas, zamana Found
Ancient city of Chachapoyas, the ancient andes community, also called the country 'cloud people' who lost hundreds of years ago was found. The term 'cloud people' may have referred to the andes mountains full of jungle-covered forest is always a cloud. Life and culture of the ancient city that existed since the 9th century, until now mcompassion mystery and difficult because they do not
Kota kuno Chachapoyas, Negeri Di Awan Ditemukan
Kota kuno Chachapoyas, masyarakat andes kuno, atau disebut juga negeri 'orang-orang awan' yang hilang ratusan tahun lalu berhasil ditemukan. Sebutan 'masyarakat awan' mungkin karena mengacu pada pegunungan andes yang
Intimate body associated with Ancient Egypt since age
IN Sex science, had sex with the corpse known as necrophilia. In Greek, means the body nekro. This disorder is also called thanatofilia or necrolagnia.There are 3 types of people with necrophilia. First, necrophilic Homicide, the sufferer should be killed first in order to get the body and obtain sexual gratification. Second, regular necrophilia, the person only uses the dead bodies for
Berhubungan Intim dengan Mayat Sejak Zaman Mesir Kuno
Sumber : cr2/sripo DALAM ilmu seksologi, berhubungan seks dengan mayat dikenal dengan istilah nekrofilia. Dalam bahasa Yunani, nekro berarti mayat. Kelainan ini disebut juga thanatofilia atau necrolagnia. Ada 3 tipe penderita nekrofilia. Pertama, necrophilic homicide,
Iran Tests Anti-aircraft radar bomber Without New Crew
Air Force Commander of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Brigadier General Hassan Shah Safi, confirming the production of new types of unmanned aircraft. As reported by Fars news agency, Brigadier General Hassan Shah Safi Sunday (30 / 8) says, "a new type of unmanned aircraft will experience a new test until the end of September 2009." Brigadier General Hassan Shah Safi
Iran Uji Pesawat Pembom Anti Radar Tanpa Awak Baru
Komandan Angkatan Udara Republik Islam Iran, Brigjen Hassan Shah Safi, mengkonfirmasikan produksi jenis baru pesawat tanpa awak. Sebagaimana dilansir kantor berita Fars, Brigjen Hassan Shah Safi Ahad (30/8) mengatakan,”Jenis baru pesawat tanpa awak akan mengalami
20 Incredible Photo Illustrations by Ee Venn Soh
Straight from Malaysia Ee Venn Soh is a master when it comes to photo illustrations full of saturated mixed media of colour that look so alive in so many different shapes. Every piece is a trip and it's incredible. Check out the selection of works and also get to know him by reading his biography. Ee Venn Soh I am the person behind the creative identity
Awful Photoshop Disasters
I laughed really hard yesterday when I payed a visit to Photoshopdisasters. There's a ton of awful, awful mistakes, errors and stuff that you cannot believe. When one checks these, it's unbelievable how all of these were printed or used somehow. I just know that these never passed through any kind of review or checking. And the best thing about these, is that
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Israeli Zionists Against Torture The Woman Prisoner
A communiqué issued by the Ministry for the affairs of Palestinian prisoners that Israel Zionist occupation in the last period of the targeted attack focuses on the psychological female prisoners, including beatings, flushing with gas, and harassment of female honor. All of this is a serious violation of the principles of human rights (Human Rights) and contrary to all international and
20 Vital Techniques & Best Practices For Effective Web Design
div#bsaz_2053.adblock {width:100%;display:block;} div#bsaz_2053.adblock a{width:250px;} div#bsaz_2053.adblock a img{padding:0;} div#bsaz_2053.adblock a em{font-style:normal;} div#bsaz_2053.adblock a{display:block;font-size:11px;color:#888;font-family:verdana,sans-serif;margin:0 4px 10px 0;text-align:center;text-decoration:none;overflow:
Penyiksaan Zionis Israel Terhadap Para Tawanan Perempuan
MediaUmat- Sebuah komunike dikeluarkan oleh Departemen untuk urusan tawanan Palestina bahwa pendudukan Zionis Israel dalam periode terakhir melakukan serangan yang targetkan terfokus pada psikologis para tawanan perempuan, termasuk pemukulan, penyiraman dengan gas, dan pelecehan terhadap kehormatan perempuan. Semua ini merupakan bentuk pelanggaran serius
whether the alien caught Google street view cameras?
March 2009, a strange figure of vague and ET caught like google street view camera in the bushes near Berkeley Heights in New Jersey. In the figure there is a vertical beam-shaped laser. Is the figure was an alien who was visiting the earth?Some people claim that this is a concrete evidence of aliens already in the earth or are visiting the earth. Some longer assume that the figure was only a
Mysterious hole looks like a big cave in Antarctica
Is there a secret military base or an alien base in Antarctica? A lock-shaped structure visible on a snowy rock in Antarctica. The hole was apparently made by human hands. The position of the hole is 66 33 '11:58' S, 99 50 '17.86 "E and 66 36' 12:58 'S, 99 43' 12.72" E. Is the hole made by the human hand, or just a hole created by nature violent Antarctica? Photo below is a
Lubang misterius menyerupai gua besar terlihat di Antartika
Adakah markas militer rahasia atau markas alien di Antartika ? Sebuah struktur berbentuk lubang pintu terlihat di sebuah bukit batu bersalju di Antartika. Lubang itu sepertinya dibuat oleh tangan-tangan manusia. Posisi
The Amazing of image !
The Very amazing fight! Results not Photoshop, but I do not know ... Many may think this The Elephant painted yes, yet it's not the Elephant .... Discharged into the river, but part of the water splashed over NOT.... Most Transparent in word Sea, Boat So invisible the shadow... (It's In Maldives / Maldives) There Writing What You Read This? (Name of city in
Apakah alien tertangkap kamera Google street view ?
Maret 2009, satu sosok kabur yang aneh dan menyerupai ET tertangkap kamera google street view di dekat semak-semak Berkeley Heights di New Jersey. Di sebelah sosok itu ada seberkas sinar vertikal berbentuk laser. Apakah sosok itu alien yang sedang mengunjungi bumi ? Beberapa orang mengklaim bahwa ini adalah sebuah bukti
knowing Papaya And Its miracle!! ^ ^
Papaya is a fruit of "long life" in the legend, between fresh fruit and other cheap papaya fruit has a lot of therapeutic effects especially for the women's beauty. Working for the digestive system. destroyers enzyme proteins contained therein, can charge expenses intestinal tract and pancreas or pancreas, stomach filled the lack of sap, can help break down proteins and
Moon To Begin In Exploitation of Energy Resources?
Developed countries to explore the Moon race because the Moon is estimated to contain helium-rich 3.Gas are valued as a potential alternative energy source to replace the Earth's energy resources are depleted. As one of the most advanced countries in the world, Germany does not want left behind from other countries in exploring the potential of the Moon. Germany today claimed
Saturday, August 29, 2009
The 10 Hour Wall UNIQUE UNIQUE
Bored with the clock at the home of monotony? Try hour funny, unique, and beautiful on this one. With a variety of shapes and sizes are adorable, guaranteed hours of spinning from 12 o'clock noon to 12 tonight at home owners will look more cool. Curious what the hours are unique and cool? following some of the photos: 1. Fruit-Powered Clock 2. Digital Clock T-Shirt
Century Greatest Fraud, It moon stone brought Neil Armstrong Wood Only
Maybe this is the biggest mass victimization in human history now and this also reinforces the theory that the dubious conspiracy Apollo missions to the moon did not exist until the month as recorded in human history. During this time many peculiarities, from peculiarities revealed by these conspiracy theories like the American flag flying in empty space, astronauts and other
Penipuan Terbesar Abad Ini, Ternyata Batu Bulan Yang Dibawa Neil Armstrong Hanya Kayu
Mungkin inilah pembohongan masal terbesar dalam sejarah manusia saat ini dan ini pula yang semakin memperkuat teori konspirasi yang meragukan misi Apollo ke bulan tidak pernah ada sampai ke bulan seperti tercatat dalam sejarah manusia. Selama ini banyak sekali kejanggalan-kejanggalan yang diungkap dari teori konspirasi
Friday, August 28, 2009
Mengetahui Pepaya Beserta Keajaibannya !! ^^
Pepaya adalah buah “panjang umur” dalam legenda, di antara buah segar dan murah lainnya buah pepaya memiliki efek terapi yang banyak khususnya memiliki efek kecantikan bagi para wanita. Bekerja untuk sistem pencernaan. Enzim pengurai protein yang
Bulan Mulai Di Eksploitasi Untuk Sumber Energi ?
Negara-negara maju berlomba mengeksplorasi Bulan karena Bulan diperkirakan kaya kandungan Helium 3.Gas tersebut dinilai sebagai sumber energi alternatif potensial untuk menggantikan sumber energi Bumi yang menipis. Sebagai salah satu negara paling maju di dunia, Jerman tidak ingin tertinggal
Australia Temukan Tiga Dinosaurus Spesies Baru
Fosil dari ketiga dinosaurus spesies baru ditemukan oleh gabungan Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum dan Queensland Museum ekspedisi di Winton, Queensland. (Bradley Kanaris/Getty Images) SYDNEY --- Fosil dari tiga
Australian Dinosaur Find Three New Species Fossils of the three new species of dinosaur discovered by a joint Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum and the Queensland Museum expedition in Winton, Queensland. (Bradley Kanaris / Getty Images) SYDNEY --- Fossils of three new species of dinosaurs have been found in Australia, one including meat-eaters
Pangeran Saudi Selamat dari Bom Bunuh Diri
AP PHOTO Ilustrasi Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009 | 09:50 WIB — Asisten Menteri Dalam Negeri Kerajaan Arab Saudi Pangeran Muhammad bin Nayef lolos dari upaya serangan bom bunuh diri. Ini adalah upaya pembunuhan pertama terhadap anggota keluarga kerajaan sejak Saudi gencar menumpas militan Al Qaeda
Saudi prince Surviving Suicide Bombings
Friday, August 28, 2009 | 09:50 pm - Assistant Minister of Interior Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Prince Mohammed bin Nayef escape attempt suicide bomb attacks. This was the first assassination attempt against a member of the Saudi royal family since intense crush al-Qaeda militants last eight years following the September 11 attacks in the United States. Prince Muhammad bin
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Abu Jibril Keberatan Dicap "Bapak Teroris"
Inggried Dwi W Abu Jibril, ayah Mohammad Jibril, tengah berbincang dengan anggota DPR Ali Muchtar Ngabalin, Kamis (27/8). Jibril mengadu soal penangkapan anaknya oleh Densus 88. Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009 | 15:38 WIB Laporan wartawan
Abu Jibril Objection labeled "Father Terrorist"
Inggried Dwi W Abu Jibril, Jibril Mohammed's father, was talking with members of parliament Ali Muchtar Ngabalin, Thursday (27 / 8). Gabriel complained about the arrest of her son by densus 88. Thursday, August 27, 2009 | 15:38 WIB Report eg, August 27, 2009 | 15:38 WIB Correspondents Report Dwi Inggried Wedhaswary JAKARTA, - family group led
Ditemukan Sebuah Planet Bunuh Diri
CA R R E AU/ E S A / N AT U R E Ilustrasi fenomena planet bunuh diri. Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009 | 09:03 WIB — Sejumlah astronom menemukan fenomena yang tampaknya merupakan aksi bunuh diri planet karena berada amat dekat dengan bintangnya dan menimbulkan gelombang dahsyat. Planet tersebut
Found A Suicide Planet
CA R R E AU / E S A / N AT U R E Illustration phenomenon of suicide planet. Friday, August 28, 2009 | 09:03 pm A number of astronomers discovered a phenomenon that seems to be a suicide because the planets are very close to its star and powerful waves. Planet WASP-18b is to have millions of years of life and found Cóel Hellier, a professor of astrophysics at Keele
Batu Meteor Ungkap Masa Lalu Planet Mars
ESA/OMEGA Awan yang terekam di atmosfer Mars dekar garis ekuatornya ini tersusun dari karbon dioksida padat (es kering). sourc Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009 | 07:52 WIB PASADENA, — Sebuah batu meteor seukuran buah semangka raksasa
Meteor Stone Tell The Past of Planet Mars
ESA / OMEGA Clouds have been recorded in the atmosphere of Mars equator line near is composed of solid carbon dioxide (dry ice). Thursday, August 13, 2009 | 07:52 pm Pasadena, - A meteor stone giant watermelon-sized fruit that is found on Mars to be one clue past the veil of expressing the red planet. Martian meteor that weighs at least 0.5 ton so considered too
Doujutsu Dalam Kisah Naruto
Posted by: wimax | September 13, 2008 | Well, sebenarnya saya penggemar berat serial Naruto. Ide ceritanya sangat menarik, yaitu mengisahkan kehidupan ninja yang memiliki bermacam-macam latar belakang. Banyaknya teknik ninja yang aneh dan unik pun menjadi nilai tambah tersendiri buat penggemarnya. Namun beberapa waktu lalu, saya
"Doujutsu" On Naruto Story
Posted by: wimax | September 13, 2008 | Well, actually I'm a big fan of the series Naruto. Quite interesting story ideas, which recounts the life of the ninja who has a variety of backgrounds. The many strange ninja techniques and became a unique added value for fans. But some time ago, I was intrigued after reading one of his comic. One thing that makes me curious is '
Easy Space Scene in Pixelmator
In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a space scene in Pixelmator without using a stock photo or special brush, just the ones that come with Pixelmator. We will play with some filters and blending as well. The whole effect will not take you more than 20 minutes, and the end result is really impressive, very inspired on the Snow Leopard space theme design of the CD
Awesome Illustrations of Kakashi Sensei
Some time ago we had a cool post on illustrations of Naruto, and I was thinking what other character from the series deserved a whole post, and the one I thought right away was Kakashi Sensei. I know that some might find it ubber geek, but I still can't get enough of it. The story is pretty tight, the characters have much to tell, and the action is intense. If you
Really Awesome Uzumaki Naruto Illustrations
I know many people don't like manga at all. And would include myself between them... but a few months ago I came to know this awesome series. I've never liked the Zodiac Knights very much, or Dragonball, or whatever... but for me, Naruto is really awesome. Since I started watching it, I found various illustrations in DeviantART and would just favorite them, but
Beautiful Type Illustrations by Nicolas Alexander
Nicolas Alexander is a French Canadian graphic designer very passionate about type and motion graphics. In his portfolio we can see some amazing type illustrations with a very retro feel. Nicolas has an online portfolio at and we highly recommend that you check it out.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tahi Lalat Mencerminkan Kepribadian Anda !
Percaya tidak percaya, tahi lalat tak sekedar menempel begitu saja di tubuh kita. Bagi yang percaya, letak tahi
Reflecting the Flies shit your personality!
ABOUT FACE - The right temple: indicates that you are good at keeping a secret. For you, you hold the secret leaked abstinence on the other. - Left temple: Do you have a social life okay. Your heart is easy obey see the suffering of others. So generous, sometimes you're willing to give you the bill only to others who are considered more needed. -
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
GALERI Laptop Jaman Dulu, UNIK dan JADUL abies gan !!!
1.September tahun 1975 IBM Portable PC 5100 Spoiler for pic:
Laptop Gallery Super Old, Unique And Funny
.fullpost{display:none;}.fullpost{display:none;}.fullpost{display:none;} .fullpost{display:none;} 1.September 1975 Portable PC IBM 5100 Spoiler for pic: 5100 is the first model of the IBM microcomputer, which is not
Found, Aztec Greatest Gold Treasure!
INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Archaeologists who work under the fog and bad weather in Mexico City found something extraordinary. The scientists believe have found the tomb of Aztec ruler of the possibility of extraordinary wealth.These findings have not yet disclosed to the public. But England will be the first item that the findings will be exhibited. Fourteen of gold objects from the site, will be
Ditemukan, Hartu Karun Aztec Terbesar!
INILAH.COM, Jakarta – Arkeolog yang bekerja di bawah kabut dan cuaca buruk di Mexico City menemukan sesuatu luar biasa. Ilmuwan yakin telah menemukan kuburan penguasa Aztec yang kemungkinan berisi harta kekayaan luar biasa. Penemuan itu belum ada yang diungkapkan
Wild boy 6 years old so a train museum director .... !
"I love the train and I could do this job" so pointon sam said that is currently the director of fun at the National Railway Museum New York ... poiton sam 6th boy who comes from Leicester was written proposal to replace the position of Andrew scott who will soon retire. sam said in writing that he has a train track and can run two trains at once .. of thousands of
Heboh Bocah 6 tahun jadi direktur museum kereta.... !!!
"I love train and I could do this joB" begitu kata sam pointon yang saat ini menjadi director of fun di National Railway museum New York... sam poiton bocah 6th yang berasal dari Leicester ini menulis
Dating Sites collapse, Embarrassing Action Spreads to Facebook
Jakarta - A dating site specifically Christians burglarized irresponsible parties. As a result of break-ins, the disgraced site users to Facebook.Burglary was allegedly originated from the break-ins at a Christian University. The data from the campus server is then used to break into an account at a special dating sites Christians and continues to Facebook.As quoted from TheNextWeb, Monday (
Situs Kencan Bobol, Aksi Memalukan Menyebar ke Facebook
Jakarta - Sebuah situs kencan khusus umat kristiani dibobol pihak tak bertanggungjawab. Akibat pembobolan itu, para pengguna situs dipermalukan hingga ke Facebook. Diduga pembobolan itu berawal dari pembobolan di sebuah Universitas Kristen. Data-data dari server kampus tersebut kemudian digunakan untuk membobol account di situs kencan
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
10 Awesome Package Designs
Have you ever bought something just because its package? Well, these package designs are definitely one of a kind and they do make you want to get them regardless of what is inside. This list contains different kind of packages but they all have some in common; they are awesome, check it out! Absolut Vodka Rock Edition Introduced this past August 10th, the
36 Awesome Surrealistic Artworks by Vitaly S Alexius
Vitaly Samarin Alexius is a - now 25-year-old - freelance illustrator & photographer. But when you see his work you'll probably be astonished. Over the past years he grew to a elusive artists with great eye for details. He is famous for his unique style which he justifiably called "Dreaminism"
Monday, August 17, 2009
10 Interesting Escalator Floor Ad
Advertising created by people who was very creative, but the placement of an ad is also very determine the effectively from the ad itself is of course. These 10 ad i think very interesting, place an ad to escalator floor, quite unique man... ! (
Giant Mechanical Spider
Two tails "spider engine" (mechanical spider) giants, each at 12 meters, weight 37 tons, released in the city of Yokohama, Japan, on 17 April 2009, in order to reset the year to 150 cities Yokohama. Spider this machine was created by artistic French group, La Machine. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (
High-Tech Bedroom
If you think the bed is made only to sleep, think again - or at least try to sleep in the bed of this one. Futuristic bed designed by HiCan is so powerful, such as the bed virtual all-in-one. Private and comfortable to read, relax, sleeping or awake with full entertainment. A theater screen can be drawn at the foot of the bed to enjoy television or
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Unique House Design, You Can See the Outside Freely
This is very Cool & Interesting pyramid house design, you can see the outside on wide view but actually in a little space. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Film Merantau, Film Laga Indonesia Terbaru
PDRTJS_settings_91718_post_892 = { "id" : "91718", "unique_id" : "wp-post-892", "title" : "Film+Merantau%2C+Film+Laga+Indonesia+Terbaru", "item_id" : "_post_892", "permalink" : "" } MERANTAU, Sebuah film terbaru yang sudah sangat jarang
Merantau, Newest Action Movie of Indonesia
Merantau, a movie that is very rarely produced by Indonesia movie production, 6 August 2009 where played simultaneously in the in theaters throughout the country, (read this article in Indonesian Language) Why do I call this rarely produced, because this one movie, the movie is not a themed romance, and horror as Pocong, Kuntilanak, sister or ngesot the latest flare again produced,
Friday, August 14, 2009
25 Gokil Art by "BLAR!!"
I'm gonna introduce "BLAR!!", the art group made in "anak negeri of Indonesia" actually by Rizal Theyellowmonster and friends (Kenny Kenno AuTiz, Deden Irfandi, Febry Morprizma) They are all my friends at college and they have created some creative design project, just check out.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Freaky Photoshop Skills by Adnrey
Cool, so freaky art design , and don't you be afraid, just photoshop edited by Adnrey.. so let's laugh it loud.... :D ____________________________________________________________________
Japanese Scientists Show The Hologram That Can be Touched
Do you wanna feel the touch sensation of the hologram? yes, of course. And this is what the developed by experts in Japan recently. The scientists at the University of Tokyo has developed a hologram projector that is capable to render a real 3-dimensional objects. This system consists of a hologram display device, track 2 Wii mote and an ultrasound unit feedback. One researcher
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Award from
This is the first "Award" i've ever received from blogger friend, i'm very appreciated that. and i would like to give this continuation award to other blogger friends, just ask me if you want it., so i will give it to you for free!!. :), this Award bring a link, it's meaning to raise up the PR (Page Rank) by take these links below to your site or blog:1. Imam setiawan2. Sunset3. Deni (Betawi
30 H1N1 Flu Inspiration Design
The swine flu, H1N1 flu or H1N1 influenza has caused some different responses around the world: panic, indifference, doubts, worries and sometimes simply nothing. But for some artists the swine flu became a theme, something new to explore and produce some cool pieces. You will see here lots of different styles of artworks surrounding the H1N1 flu (illustration, photography, graphic and so
Free Proxy Service to Access Restricted Website
We have discussed the basic idea of IP Address or Internet Protocol Address and how to find or identify someone’s IP Address in our previous post. We know IP Address plays an important role in terms of security. It can ban or deny you access to certain websites and it can also help you to hide your identity when you are feeling naughty and want to
Blog Archive
- Obama jokes because of easy Murdered Black
- Lelucon Obama Mudah Dibunuh karena Hitam
- gambar gambar lucu
- Ancient city of Chachapoyas, zamana Found
- Kota kuno Chachapoyas, Negeri Di Awan Ditemukan
- Intimate body associated with Ancient Egypt since age
- Berhubungan Intim dengan Mayat Sejak Zaman Mesir Kuno
- Iran Tests Anti-aircraft radar bomber Without New ...
- Iran Uji Pesawat Pembom Anti Radar Tanpa Awak Baru
- 20 Incredible Photo Illustrations by Ee Venn Soh
- Awful Photoshop Disasters
- Israeli Zionists Against Torture The Woman Prisoner
- 20 Vital Techniques & Best Practices For Effective...
- Penyiksaan Zionis Israel Terhadap Para Tawanan Per...
- whether the alien caught Google street view cameras?
- Mysterious hole looks like a big cave in Antarctica
- Lubang misterius menyerupai gua besar terlihat di ...
- BMW concept VISION, is very cool.!
- The Amazing of image !
- Apakah alien tertangkap kamera Google street view ?
- knowing Papaya And Its miracle!! ^ ^
- Moon To Begin In Exploitation of Energy Resources?
- The 10 Hour Wall UNIQUE UNIQUE
- Century Greatest Fraud, It moon stone brought Nei...
- Penipuan Terbesar Abad Ini, Ternyata Batu Bulan Ya...
- Mengetahui Pepaya Beserta Keajaibannya !! ^^
- Bulan Mulai Di Eksploitasi Untuk Sumber Energi ?
- Australia Temukan Tiga Dinosaurus Spesies Baru
- Australian Dinosaur Find Three New Species
- Pangeran Saudi Selamat dari Bom Bunuh Diri
- Saudi prince Surviving Suicide Bombings
- Abu Jibril Keberatan Dicap "Bapak Teroris"
- Abu Jibril Objection labeled "Father Terrorist"
- Ditemukan Sebuah Planet Bunuh Diri
- Found A Suicide Planet
- Batu Meteor Ungkap Masa Lalu Planet Mars
- Meteor Stone Tell The Past of Planet Mars
- Doujutsu Dalam Kisah Naruto
- "Doujutsu" On Naruto Story
- Easy Space Scene in Pixelmator
- Awesome Illustrations of Kakashi Sensei
- Really Awesome Uzumaki Naruto Illustrations
- Beautiful Type Illustrations by Nicolas Alexander
- Lomba HIAS anjing yang UNIK UNIK
- Tahi Lalat Mencerminkan Kepribadian Anda !
- Reflecting the Flies shit your personality!
- GALERI Laptop Jaman Dulu, UNIK dan JADUL abies gan...
- Laptop Gallery Super Old, Unique And Funny
- Found, Aztec Greatest Gold Treasure!
- Ditemukan, Hartu Karun Aztec Terbesar!
- Wild boy 6 years old so a train museum director .....
- Heboh Bocah 6 tahun jadi direktur museum kereta......
- Dating Sites collapse, Embarrassing Action Spreads...
- Situs Kencan Bobol, Aksi Memalukan Menyebar ke Fac...
- 10 Awesome Package Designs
- 36 Awesome Surrealistic Artworks by Vitaly S Alexius
- 10 Interesting Escalator Floor Ad
- Giant Mechanical Spider
- High-Tech Bedroom
- Unique House Design, You Can See the Outside Freely
- Film Merantau, Film Laga Indonesia Terbaru
- Merantau, Newest Action Movie of Indonesia
- 25 Gokil Art by "BLAR!!"
- Freaky Photoshop Skills by Adnrey
- Japanese Scientists Show The Hologram That Can be ...
- Unique Creation From Rubbish
- Award from
- 30 H1N1 Flu Inspiration Design
- Free Proxy Service to Access Restricted Website
- Twitter and Facebook paralyzed attacked by "Zombie"
- Noordin M Top Was Killed?
- Sites of the week #63
- Craziest Roller Coaster In The World
- Robotic Plant Produce Oxygen
- 50 Awesome Robots
- Creating Realistic Chess Pawn Glass Material
- Naruto Shippuuden Anime Collection
- Naruto Manga Collection